
Alion 2018

/ #43098799 Annoncen er blevet ændret siden den blev hentet. Opdatér venligst siden for at se den nyeste version
Størrelse: 1.5 L (Magnum)

Alion ejes af Bodegas Vega Sicilia og kommer fra udvalgte parceller i Ribera Del Duero. Alion laves på Tinto Fino som er synonym for Tempranillo. Som med alle Vega Sicilias vine arbejdes der med ekstremt lave udbytter, hvilket resultere i en enorm koncentration i den endelige vin. Den store koncentration betyder også at Alion 2018 kan gemmes i op til 20 år fra høståret. Vega Sicilia beskriver selv deres 2018 Alion som potent og koncentreret med en sensuel og elegant side.

Alions Tempranillo (Tinto Fino) kommer fra vinmarker i 25 til 30 års alderen. Høsten foregår tidligere end på Vega Sicilia og vinen lagres 16 måneder på nye træfade.

Robert Parker
The 2018 Alión follows the path of the 2016: it is fresh and elegant and from a cooler (more Atlantic) vintage with more rain than the average and a relatively late harvest between September 28th and October 12th. They used 80% new barrels, with up to 10% made of American oak looking to (in their own words) give more sucrosity and sweetness to the wine, as it's a more vertical, tense and elegant expression of Alión. Part of the wine matured in concrete (something they started in 2016), and in 2021 they are experimenting with a 4,000-liter Rousseau foudre, as they want to keep working the texture and freshness. The wine is ripe at 15% alcohol and has a pH of 3.8 and a mellow 4.6 grams of acidity, round and soft. The wine matured until it was bottled in June 2020. The truth is that the wine comes through as subtle, elegant and balanced, with very integrated oak and a nice texture. It's one of the finest vintages for Alión. 257,257 bottles, 7,005 magnums and some larger formats produced.

Nuværende pris
1.300 DKK ( 173,33 EUR i )
Slutdato: 13. januar 2025 18:40
  • Startbud: 1.300 DKK
  • 0 bud

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